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How many 3D printers would a 3D printer print if a 3D printer could print 3D printers?

The problem is you lose a dimension each time. A 3D printer could print a 2D printer, which could print a 1D printer, and then pretty soon you have -5D printers which are all bad because they start printing black holes.

Part of the concept of open-source 3D printers is that many of the parts can be 3D-printed.
The only real difficulty, at this point, is that the kinds of 3D printers that are available to the public can't print the electronics that are necessary for 3D printers. But even that is likely to be resolved within the next 10 years or so.

Just like organic replication, the quality is decreased for every generation. A 3d printed 3d printer would not have a low tolerance and thus will in-turn create inferior products. Source: I am working with Agile Manufacturing (3d printing)

It can print another 3d printer, but, since the 3d printer being printed has to fit inside the original 3d printer, the new 3d printer will consequentially be smaller than the original 3d printer. Thus, you can print an infinite amount of slightly smaller printers with the original 3d printer. However, if you want to make a 3d printer with the 2nd 3d printer, then it will be smaller than the 2nd printer again. Thus, daisy-chain-printing 3d printers is not advised. How many 3D printers would a 3D printer print if a 3D printer could print 3D printers?

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